I came to Japan as a missionary on September 1st, 2003. I studied Japanese for the first year and a half. In the beginning, I was certain that I was sent to this land to proclaim the Gospel. However, after 20 years of missionary work, I came to realize that I was the one who was blessed through the countless prayers I’ve given, the good news I’ve shared, and the praise songs I’ve sang.
By the Gospel, I have been allowed to live. By God, I’ve been made to live.
And I live with the help from the people of Japan.
For the days of my life, the purpose given to me is to worship.
The Bible has taught me that everything that I do, from missionary work to music ministry, even raising children, are for the purpose of worshipping and glorifying Lord God.
“Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, even whom I have made.” (Isaiah 43:7)
It is engraved in my heart that music and art are only tools and are not the means through which I myself is praised. The ultimate goal of Samuel Kan Music Ministry is not just providing quality music and art, but worshipping the Lord. I have worked faithfully and prayerfully to write songs rooted in God’s words, to allow God’s presence in the words to stand out more that the music and the musician, and for all glory to be God.
I pray, as I begin my 21st year in missionary, may God’s words be praised and thanked, and all glory be given to God forever.
“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36)
June 4th, 2023
Gospel singer and missionary. From 1995 to 2000, studied in Canada. Majored in Integrated Media at art school. 2000, came to Japan as short-term missionary. Started music at 30-years old. 2011, graduated Osaka College of Music Junior College and debut as a singer at Universal Studios Japan. 2014, married and moved to Tokyo. 2016, founded a Gospel art and culture organization, “UTMOST institute,” with wife Airi Suzuki, who is a dance performer. Released 4 full albums: “Via Dolorosa,” “Mikotobauta (Songs of God’s Words),” “Samuel Kan Worship Concert 2019,” “Before the Throne.” Released 1 single: “Subetenokotoga (For All Things).” 2021, moved from Tokyo to Fukuoka. Continuing in missionary work through worship, as well as creation of Biblically rooted songs.